Our limited edition P-51 Mustang was in service during WWII and the Korean war. The first to commission this aircraft was RAF (Royal Air Force). This aircraft was typically armed with two Browning .50 caliber nose-mounted and four .30 caliber wing-mounted machine guns. The machine guns fired at a rate of 13 rounds per second. We have taken these crates and repurposed them into end tables, night stands and storage containers.
ERA: WWII-Korean War (1942-1953) However, was not retired until 1984 by the Dominican Air Force
DIMENSIONS: 18.5"H x 14"W x 9.5"D
WEIGHT: 8.8-11.12 lbs.
SPECS: Crew: 1 (Pilot)
Wingspan: 37 feet
Length: 32 feet
Max. Speed: 437 mph
Cruising Speed: 275 mph
Max Range: 1,000 miles
Note: We can not guarantee the writing will be in tact on all crates. We do our best to preserve the writing but it can not always be salvaged. Hardware and contents NOT included. Furniture legs available for purchase.