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A unique version of the WWII crate that can display career hardware. This crate has now become a storage crate to honor or remember those who have served. Designed and retrofitted with a genuine WWII tent peg that can hold dog tags, chains, unit citations, dog collars and more. Additionally, a small wooden shelf has been added to house other personal items for display.




SPECS:  The T1IDR ammunition crates housed 120 cartridges, .50 caliber, armor piercing incendiary M8. with 10 rounds per carton, 6 cartons per can with a total of 2 cans. The crates weight was approx. 42 lbs. during its service period. This bullet was widely used with the Browning M2 Machine Gun. Lot numbers are given to each crate.

LOT D.M. identifies the crate manufactured in Des Moines Ordnance Plant-Ankeny, Iowa.
LOT L.C. identifies the crate manufactured in Lake City Army Ammunition Plant-Independence, Missouri

DIMENSIONS: 14.5” x 10.5” x 8” (6.25”D Inside)

HOLDS: Personal effects, badges, decanters, glasses & more

HANGING DIRECTION: Vertical, horizontal or on desktop.

WEIGHT: 9 lbs. empty

Note: We can not guarantee the writing will be in tact on all crates. We do our best to preserve the writing but it can not always be salvaged. Wall mount hardware and contents NOT included. This is also a custom item. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery when out of stock. Contact us for options on stain and more - sales@artilleryworksco.com